
Turmeric Energy Elixir

August 1, 2018
Turmeric Energy Elixir

I love this recipe because it is so easy and helps you beat the afternoon slump. I like to use homemade nut milk (search the site for my easy recipes!) or homemade coconut milk (even easier to make, no straining!). This is basically a combo a made up taking my favorite tonic/elixir (ashwaganda) and mixing it up with a great recipe for golden milk (turmeric milk) which seems to be all the rage these days. Aswaganda is great for energy, vitality, physical strength and stress and anxiety.

Here’s what it takes.

In a high-speed blender (I prefer Vitamix), add the following

  • 8 ounces of your favorite milk (see notes above). I don’t measure, I just fill up a cup and dump it in.
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of turmeric (experiment. I don’t mind the flavor so I like mine stronger if you are just having this for the first time start with one scant tablespoon)
  • A half dropper full of vanilla Stevia (liquid). (Again experiment to your desired sweetness).
  • A full dropper full of Ashwagandha. I like this brand but you can get whatever is at your local Vitamin Shoppe, Whole Foods or Natural Market. Prices range from $12-$30 a bottle.

Blend! That is all. You can also add chia seeds if you like, or I have even tried adding hemp seeds and it is delicious. On occassion I also add some fat like coconut oil or hemp oil.


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