Lifestyle Wellness

Feeling on edge this week? Four things to feel better now.

October 13, 2023
menopause weight gain
Anxiety has recently snowballed into a big issue in the United States, affecting both adults and children. While a certain level of anxiety does actually serve a purpose—motivating us or helping us remain alert —excessive anxiety can be debilitating. Such is the case the last few years, and in the recent week.
And it’s a rapidly growing concern, with over 40 million U.S. adults, or 19%, diagnosed with an anxiety disorder according to recent statistics.

Additionally, about 7% of children between ages 3 and 17 grapple with anxiety annually, with most symptoms emerging before age 21.  Add to that the recent headlines about war, terrorism, and the constant-fingerpointing and it is no wonder so many of us feel anxious all the time. 

So what can we do about it? 

If you’re feeling anxious and can’t seem to calm down, you should first know that you are not alone. Anxiety is something that many people experience, but not everyone finds relief through traditional methods like meditation or deep breathing. Sometimes, when your thoughts are racing and you’re in a state of panic, you might need quicker, more physical ways to deal with your anxiety.

So, let’s talk about some different methods that could help you feel more grounded. 
Did you know some animals shake their bodies to get rid of tension? Some experts suggest shaking your arms, legs, or even your whole body can help release the chemicals that fuel anxiety. Moving around can make you feel in control and help you focus on something other than your anxious thoughts. You can also stomp your feet or even dance to get that restless energy out. We talk about movement a lot on here, and the positive impact exercise can have on mental health, but just know that even a little shake here and there can have a positive effect. 
If you want something more sensory, you could try biting into something sour. That’s right — you could try biting straight into a lemon, peel and all. The bitterness and texture can shock your system and bring your focus back to the present. If that’s too extreme, you could bite into lemon wedges or suck on sour candies to achieve the same effect. 
Another interesting trick is activating the Mammalian Dive Response. You can do this by submerging your face in cold water for about 30 seconds. This helps slow your heart rate and activates your parasympathetic nervous system, making you feel calmer. Bonus points if you do a full body cold plunge or a cold shower. 
And then of course, exercise. Experts suggests doing quick, high-intensity cardio exercises like jumping jacks or burpees to keep anxiety at bay. This can help you take control of your physical symptoms and calm you down. And, of course, that is just one of the many benefits of working out. 
The key takeaway? Anxiety is a big deal in the U.S. and the problem doesnt seem to be getting any better. But everyone’s anxiety is different. If you feel anxious, you might need to try a few of these techniques to find what works for you.

The most important thing is that you find a way to feel better and get some relief.

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