
The common yet often undiagnosed condition that may explain how you are feeling

March 1, 2022

The math on this is pretty simple. Iron is an essential nutrient that is required for a number of important cell functions. Meat is an excellent dietary source of iron and despite what the plant-based crowd might want you to believe, we are actually eating less meat now than in years passed. 

Add all of that up and it is no surprise that iron deficiency anemia is on the rise.

Iron deficiency anemia is a condition in which blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body. Without enough iron, your body can’t produce enough hemoglobin, which is a substance that allows red blood cells to do their thing. 

Common symptoms for iron deficiency anemia include exhaustion, as well as general weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, headaches, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances like ice or dirt, and poor appetite.

Sounds wonderful.

On top of the plant-based movement pushing consumers away from eating meat, contributing to this rise in iron deficiency, there is also just less iron available today in our food supply in general. This study found over 1,000 food products with lower iron concentrations in 2015 than in 1999. Beef, pork, turkey, corn, and most fruits and vegetables all had less iron in 2015 when compared to 1999 samples. 

Iron deficiency is also a bigger problem for women than men. In a study that followed participants between 1999 and 2018, adult females did not meet daily iron requirements 18.4% of the time, while men only fell short of their requirement 4.6% of the time. 

Sadly, iron deficiency is also starting to become an issue among young children as well.

The solution? No surprises here, but more high quality meat is the very simple answer. Of course, iron supplementation is an option, but whole food sources for any nutrient is always the better option. 

You don’t have to be a superhero to feel like one. Just eat plenty of meat, ignore the plant-based propaganda, and make sure your iron levels are on point. It’s that simple. 

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