Doing a few small things well – think micro adjustments – and doing them consistently is ultimately the path to a healthier life. I have been exploring a more gentle model of renewal, based…
Chronic stress keeps cortisol levels high which initially support your body to get through the day or task at hand, but if they’ve been high for a while and you haven’t been focusing on…
Each year post-40 can tend to hit a little different, right? Maybe you don’t recuperate as easily as you used to, Your body can start to feel a little more achy. And you may…
If there is a health marker you are particularly interested in improving, addressing the quality of your sleep will help. On the blog we have been exploring a more gentle mode of renewal, based…
It’s hard to argue against the benefits of following healthy habits. Routines makes it easy to do the things that keep us feeling strong and supported. Habits help us stay grounded, centered, and committed…