If you’re anything like me, you are feeling a collective heaviness in the air right now. It’s a difficult time to be a feeling, compassionate human. We can do our small part every day…
Lifestyle Wellness
I find it very interesting that when I am focusing on my weight is often when I feel like I am carrying an extra 5-10 lbs. Then at times when I am just living…
Lifestyle Wellness
Changing seasons – boost metabolism, improve mental clarity and digestive health with this
As the seasons change, the temperatures drop and our circadian rhythms start to respond. That’s natures gentle reminder to bump ourselves up to the top of the priority list. Time to get back to basics and…
Each year post-40 can tend to hit a little different, right? Maybe you don’t recuperate as easily as you used to, Your body can start to feel a little more achy. And you may…
The word sugar is on the “naughty” list and we all find ourselves scouring labels from time to time. But remember when 25 years ago fat was the culprit? And then it was carbs?…
If there is a health marker you are particularly interested in improving, addressing the quality of your sleep will help. On the blog we have been exploring a more gentle mode of renewal, based…
There’s a certain health secret weapon I have been a fan of for years, it’s matcha. Great for metabolism, skin, and it’s anti oxidant properties it really is incredible. I switched from coffee to matcha…
How do you respond to stressful times? In today’s world, many factors may cause you to feel stressed. Traffic, long meetings at the workplace, financial problems, pandemic illnesses (like COVID-19), the list goes on…
Much has been talked about hacking your hormones but for women it is especially important our hormones are functioning well. As I get older, I noticeI need to pay more attention to my diet,…
If you’ve ever wondered whether you could squeeze a five-minute workout into your day and still get any benefits from it, you’re not alone. That’s why I love the idea of exercise snacking! Even…