Lifestyle Wellness

Relaxing into what is – childless or with child

March 1, 2022
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At age 37, now 9 years ago, my husband and I made the decision to start “trying”. Let me quickly summarize my experience and fast forward. After not conceiving on our own we decided to see fertility specialists. The diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility. That’s what the doctors call it when you can’t seem to conceive, but all of the tests show that you’re just fine. 

We had 3 separate experiences with IVF across 5 years… plenty of failed attempts at IUI (intrauterine insemination) and the kicker – just receiving really poor advice from our initial doctor. I had a great response in my 30s and should have been advised to freeze my eggs. Then we went onto IVF, in my 40’s, and were not as successful – I was deemed a poor responder with poor egg quality. This is enough to make anyone feel depleted and like a failure. And we were left with tons of medical bills to boot. It is unfortunately pretty common in this business for doctors to be results-driven and all of my canceled cycles really did a number on my psyche.

Lifestyle and Diet

The first person I got in touch with after my IVF experiences was Aimee Raupp. What I love about Aimee is she believes everything is connected. And key was getting connected with my body, getting my mindset right and preparing my body for pregnancy.

With the guidance of her books and programs, I worked with an acupuncturist, started meditating daily, and edited my diet. I also knew I needed to start taking targeted supplements.

Enter Beli: the brand for prenatal vitamins supporting pregnancy and beyond. Beli has your best interests in mind as you’re planning to conceive — and they also want to make sure you’re healthy overall as well. 

One of the cool things about Beli vitamins is that they are customized for both women and men.

Beli is different because it includes amounts of important nutrients such as vitamin D and choline that are backed by research.

This was very clear to me in my fertility journey – over-the-counter supplements just weren’t providing adequate levels.

Beli vitamins are made for couples who desire a healthy conception and pregnancy. So they are great no matter what phase of pregnancy you are in – from trying for a successful conception to breastfeeding. For optimal results, both male and female partners should begin taking them 3 to 6 months before trying to conceive. Taking the right vitamins plays a critical role in things like regulating one’s menstrual cycle, immune system, thyroid function, reproductive system, and more. Adequate nutrients are an essential part of overall health, conception and pregnancy.

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Beli Prenatal for women and Vitality for Men

Overview: What Are Beli Vitamins?

Beli vitamins were created by tech veteran and CEO Joni Hanson Davis. They are the first prenatal vitamin system that is designed to help both men and women reach their fullest potential throughout the journey to conception as well as all stages of pregnancy. 

Beli prenatal supplements use the highest quality, most bioavailable forms of vitamins including methylated folate (not folic acid) to provide complete nutrition from conception to pregnancy and beyond. 

Beli reviews (and they are numerous) share that these nutritional supplements help improve both sperm quality and egg quality, achieve higher rates of conception, and protect the baby’s spinal and brain development and growth.

What Makes These Vitamins Different From Other Prenatal Vitamins?

There are a ton of prenatal multivitamins available on the market. So, what makes Beli vitamins different from other fertility vitamins? What I love is Beli might be the one natural supplement where you can genuinely feel the effects of overall wellness and boosted energy. 

The Beli Vitality Blend™ for men is the first vitamin to list all-natural Shilajit as a key ingredient for supporting healthy sperm and overall health fertility of men. Shilajit is a known adaptogen that has been used for centuries to safely restore energetic balance and enhance vitality. Beli took it one step further by using it to improve sperm quantity. 

Beli Prenatal Vitamin For Women Review

Beli vitamins for women help to prepare female bodies for healthy pregnancies. They nourish a woman’s body before conceiving and once pregnant, they boost health, energy, and comfort throughout each trimester. These prenatal products are bursting with bio-available ingredients to keep women feeling healthy throughout pregnancy.

Beli includes optimal levels of methyl folate for healthy development and B vitamins for energy. They also include the recommended daily amount of choline, which aids in healthy neural tube development and helps to prevent birth defects (which is something that other prenatal formulas may overlook). When speaking with my fertility doctors, this was the only product on the market that comprehensively offered this.

Beli is formulated with high-quality iron and TRAACS™ minerals that are easy to absorb and gentler on the stomach, which helps reduce the effects of morning sickness and other pregnancy side effects. They also have a slight minty taste which can ease nausea too. They are made with all-natural ingredients, which as you know is so important to me.


Curious as to how essential vitamins can improve female fertility? Taking the right vitamins plays a critical role in things like regulating one’s menstrual cycle, immune system, thyroid function, reproductive system, and more. In a nutshell, vitamins are an essential part of a healthy pregnancy.

Beli Prenatal Vitamin For Men Review

Beli Vitality For Men provides men with the right nutrients optimized for sperm and reproductive health, alongside the benefits of boosted energy, balance, and overall wellness. Some of the most common causes of sperm deficiencies are nutritional deficiencies, so Beli seeks to correct the problem. 

Beli for men is full of the right nutrients to increase a low sperm count, protect sperm while they grow, improve sperm quality, improve egg penetration, balance acid-alkaline in the body to help sperm work properly, and improve cellular health. Specifically, these nutrients include Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10, and more.

It is a holistic multivitamin blend of carefully sourced, quality ingredients that are targeted for men’s fertility support. It is also one of the only prenatal vitamins to include shilajit. 


Vitamin C is one of the most abundant antioxidants that is found in the semen of fertile men. It contributes to healthy sperm by protecting the sperm cell’s DNA from free radical damage. Therefore, getting adequate vitamins is a way of supporting sperm motility and overall health.

How Should You Use Beli?

Beli recommends that women take 3 vitamins per day when they are thinking of conceiving, actively trying to conceive, pregnant, or breastfeeding. For men, Beli recommends taking 2 vitamins per day, every day, for at least 6 months before trying to conceive. 

While Beli recommends that women take vitamins throughout all stages of pregnancy, men are advised to begin taking Beli vitamins at least six months before conception. This is because they take approximately 2-6 months to take full effect. 

Overall, Beli is a great option for any couple looking to improve their chances of conceiving, want to improve both sperm health and egg quality, and just want some more support throughout their journey to having a baby! 

Exclusive! use code theglowwellness15 to save 15% on all Beli products.

So what am I doing in our next “year of trying”?

I’m taking a lot of supplements, drinking bone broth daily, cutting back on drinking, getting as much sleep as possible, and trying to enjoy every single day. Basically my thoughts are: let go and let it be.

In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy life to its fullest and stop worrying so much. I’m working on my inner peace, eating a healthy diet, keeping up with acupuncture and meditating, and appreciating the beautiful life that I have.

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