
Reframing: A time of opportunity

April 10, 2020

In a time when it’s almost too easy to get fixated on everything “wrong” with the world – I think we should be reframing. Could this be a time of renewal and optimism? After all:

If you have a job, you’re living the dream of every unemployed.
If you have a house, you’re living the dream of every homeless.
If you are smiling, you’re living the dream of every depressed.
If you have food on your table, and an amble amount, you are not hungry, which is better than half of our population.

And if you’re healthy, well that is everything today now isn’t it.

If you have all of the above? You’re beyond fortunate.

So appreciate what you have, and cherish it. Celebrate it, even – as this year is a good example of a perfect opportunity, one which you can benefit from immensely and take action on immediately: the benefit of the time suddenly available to us.

Most don’t know what to do , they are lost and confused, so they instead turn to consuming- eating more, drinking more, binge watching, the “easier” thing to do. And those very same people are going to come out of this self-isolation more- more of whatever they were before this time-period.

But when can you do instead to take this time, ingrain some great habits and transform.

Growth, learning, transformation.

I have dedicated the last 5 +years of my life to my own personal journey of wellness and self growth.  I have submersed myself into hundreds of books, webinars, videos and podcasts to gain all the knowledge I could.  It’s more than a hobby; it’s my passion.

Now with more time on my hands I have learned about energy healing, gua sha, the Wim Hof Method, and been enjoying my time cooking for my family – especially experimenting with even more plant-based meals and healthy desserts free of gluten, sugar and dairy.

What can you embrace during this time period…?

Start with gratitude. Maybe even document it via a gratitude journal.  Then create a list of everything you have been wanting to do or meaning to do, and start checking things off.

We are in a time of immense opportunity. How you use it is up to you.

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