
Here’s How To Meal Prep For The Healthiest Week Ever

October 31, 2018
Meal prep

For me I really feel like failing to prep really is preparing to fail. I like setting up for my week on Sunday, spending an hour or so shopping (mindfully, with a list) and then another hour or two in the kitchen. Pre-preparing your meals at home allows you to simply have control over everything you choose to fuel your body with – and it doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think. My tricks are easy, I ,make a bunch of individual things that can be thrown together to make a meal. Today I am showing you how.

Make Sure You Are Stocked with Staples

That includes four things 1) spices and seasonings, 2) frozen veggies, 3) proteins such as fish or chicken, 4) glass containers to package everything.

Creating a solid foundation of staple foods in storage will mean you only need to shop for fresher produce, leaving you with nutrient-dense meal prep options that are always on hand and ready to go.

Cook Ingredients, Not Meals

For me batch-cooking doesn’t work, I get sick of eating the same meals. Instead, I start with cooking two – three veggies and and a couple of proteins to allow the flexibility of creating meals out of what you’ve prepared, instead of committing to a week’s worth of the same thing.

My favorite, quick time saving tip is to batch roast- usually it’s sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli. All get tossed in olive oil and go on one big sheet tray. Once out I toss on pink salt and into individual containers they go. I combine them with 1) greens, 2) more healthy fat in the form of olive oil, a healthy dressing, or avocado, 3) protein and then, 4) a fermented veggie like picked carrots or beets or sauerkraut. Each day is different, but still delicious, and healthy and I can always prep a meal in less than 15 minutes.

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