Anti-Aging Wellness

Improve your hormones, naturally

March 21, 2022
Much has been talked about hacking your hormones but for women it is especially important our hormones are functioning well. As I get older, I noticeI need to pay more attention to my diet, environment and stressors. Here are the top tips to improve your hormones, naturally.

Clean up Your Diet. Eat more plants, less animal protein, cut dairy and prioritize whole foods. Up your Omega 3’s from oily fish, avocados and coconut oil – MCT oil is a great way to consume coconut oil daily! Do your best to opt for organic foods with lots of green vegetables as pesticides can affect estrogen and other hormones and worsen your hormonal imbalances. Foods naturally rich in folate are also great, including green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, and beans
Increase Your Iodine Intake. Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine, and you can buy dulse and seaweed flakes to add to any diet. You can also make yummy homemade sushi rolls with fish and avocado and swap the rice for quinoa or opt for black or brown rice to keep your GI index down.
Avoid Plastics to Reduce Hormonal Imbalances. Plastics are hormonal disruptors, so increase your green and cruciferous vegetables in particular and get off plastics – from water bottles, storage containers, especially if you use plastics when serving or warming food. Broccoli, cabbage and Brussel sprouts are cruciferous vegetables that help the liver metabolize estrogen. It’s best to steam cruciferous vegetables, avoiding the substances present in their raw state that disrupt the production of thyroid hormones. 
Get More Sleep. Low quality or limited amount of regular sleep is linked to poor immune function. It can reduce the body’s ability to heal overnight, leading to excessive stress, a natural enemy of your hormonal system. I love wind-down rituals like taking a CBD Bath Soak, enjoying a cup of calming tea and using herbs like ashwaghanda when I need extra help quieting my mind. 
Reduce Your Inflammation Drivers. High fat, processed meats and grains increase cortisol. Refined sugar reduces immune function and may cause nutrient depletion. Excessive alcohol increases inflammation and reduces immune function. So lush it less! Caffeine can also cause hormonal imbalances, dehydration and lead to mineral deficiencies. Lower your caffeine to one cup per day, or switch to matcha (which has lower caffeine content than caffeine).
Use Herbs to Adjust Hormonal Imbalance. Ayurvedic herbs are wonderful to balance hormones. I recommend supplements from Rejuv to fast track hormonal balancing. I am currently working with them on offering their formulas (stay tuned!) There also offer herbal ingredients that adjust insulin levels, having a direct balancing effect on hormones.

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