There’s a reason why women don’t talk about this
Yes, no one likes to talk about poop. But it’s natural and we all do it. It doesn’t make you any less attractive or feminine. And guess what, no one wants to be full of poop because you literally feel like shit.
So today I am going to talk about two of the common complaints I hear from women.
Why am I always bloated? And why am I always hungry?
And guess what the solution to both is the same! You heard that right!
You’re not eating enough fiber
Fiber is key to filling you up and keeping you feeling full, yet the vast majority of people don’t eat enough of it. So, if you’re puzzled as to why you’re feeling hungry, your fiber intake is often the first thing to look at. First, if you’re not eating ample (or any!) fiber, this could be causing all kinds of GI issues. Truth be told: the average American diet is comprised of mostly refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates (otherwise known as simple carbohydrates) are sugars and grains that have been processed and stripped of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are foods like cookies, crackers, and sweets, but also breakfast cereals, white bread, pasta, pizza, bagels, and white rice. Much of these items have been stripped from their fiber content. When you eat too many refined carbohydrates, your body digests them quickly, and the sugar enters your bloodstream rapidly, causing blood sugar spikes and subsequent crashes.
When your blood sugar crashes, you feel weak, shaky, cranky, tired, and hungry, and thus are compelled to eat again, even if your last meal was not so long ago.
However, had your meal contained ample fiber, this scenario would likely have played out differently. Fiber is indigestible, so foods that contain fiber take longer to digest than foods that don’t (like refined carbs). In effect, eating foods high in fiber slows the digestion process down. This helps to prevent the blood sugar spikes and crashes that can drive you to crave more and keeps you feeling fuller for longer.
On top of that, high-fiber foods are rather filling in the place.
Fiber adds bulk to food, so foods high in fiber are more voluminous. Fiber also swells in the stomach, so when you eat high-fiber foods it takes up even more space in your belly before moving along the GI tract, which it does slowly because the fiber is (again) indigestible. It’s for these reasons why swapping refined carbs out for fiber-filled carbs satisfy your hunger for longer.
Many of my clients do not gluten or oats and they wonder – how can I get enough fiber? Fiber is in so many more foods than we think…..refer to this helpful chart. also, read on and I am going to share a sheet treat I know you are going to just die over to get your extra fiber in.
Now what about this “I’m constantly hungry!”
It’s 11am or 3pm or after dinner (you play out when your itches come!) and you’re famished. Or, maybe you just finished a meal, but you’re already hungry again. If you’ve ever gotten back from a meal to find yourself already feeling like you need more, you get it – and boy, is it frustrating! You just ate, “how on earth is it possible that I’m already hungry AGAIN?”. Then you may start thinking it’s just your wanting to mindlessly graze, or maybe its that time of the month, etc etc. You rack your brain to justify it. There are a handful of things that can be causing your tummy to rumble like you’ve never eaten before, and guess what? They’re totally normal. Fiber is filling and adding fat plus fiber to your meals are key. You may also not be getting enough protein.
Feeling extra hungry one day is no cause for concern. Keep the above factors in mind next time you’re feeling inexplicably ravenous.
ACV- A secret to digestive health and sugar balance
I’ve found my clients respond really well to taking apple cider vinegar before meals, for those that don’t love taking a swig (who does?), Goli makes apple cider vinegar gummies which are delicious, and good for you. Use exclusive code The Glow Wellness to save 10%
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