Lifestyle Wellness

Can IV Therapy help boost your metabolism and weight loss efforts?

September 4, 2019

As a health coach, the single most common question I get
asked is how one can help rev up their metabolism and boost their weight loss
efforts. Most of the individuals I work with are women in their mid 30s to mid
50s and although healthy, they are dealing with several factors that make it
not as easy for them to lose or maintain weight. The first of which is age and
metabolism, your metabolism naturally slows as you age. The second of which is
generally hormonal. A lot of the women I work with are dealing with hormonal
issues like excess estrogen or low testosterone, both of which make it hard to
lose weight. Try as they might, exercise and watching the foods they eat, they
need some help.

Enter IV therapy. The Fix IV Therapy in West Hartford opened last Fall. They offer different IVs (administered through an IV drip) and boosters, administered as shots. I tried their “slim fix” program which consisted of 1 Slim Fix IV per month, with a booster (shot) each week.

The Slim IV Includes:  B12, B-Complex, Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine, Citrulline, Carnitine, Electrolytes and Fluids

The Slim Boost (the weekly booster shot) is a Lipo-Mino Mix. It facilitates fat loss and increases energy, reduces appetite, builds muscle and promotes a healthy immune system.

How IV Therapy Can Help

There’s no way around the fact that
your body’s metabolism naturally slows down over time. IV therapy helps your
body counteract this natural slowdown by delivering a carefully-formulated
blend of energy and metabolism-boosting vitamins into your body.

The Slim therapy at The Fix combines
lipotropics, hydrating fluids, and a special formulation of vitamins to help
boost your metabolism.  While it isn’t the
magic fix all, it is a great co-therapy. In other words it should be used alongside
exercise, healthy eating, and an active lifestyle.

The IV treatment is designed to help you burn fat. The formula contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and lipotropics that can help accelerate your metabolism. Lipotropics  are supplements that specifically improve your body’s ability to metabolize fat and prevent the buildup of fat in the liver  and helps your body remove excess fat that much more quickly. L-Carnitine is a metabolic support supplement that has the dual benefit of reducing fat mass and increases muscle mass.

In addition to boosting your
metabolism at the cellular level, IV therapy naturally detoxifies your body by
removing heavy metals that can cause damage to your cells. Your body can
process heavy metals naturally in small amounts, but overexposure can lead to
heavy metal toxicity and further cell damage. Over time, this added damage ages
your body and contributes to a slower metabolism sooner.

IV Therapy to help slow the clock

Heavy metals may occur naturally in
food, from your environment, or even your workplace. These metals include
mercury, lead, and cadmium, among others. Regular IV treatments can help remove
these metals and prevent the damage that leads to premature aging and a slower

Similarly, IV treatment helps remove
free radicals from your body that contribute to cell damage, aging, and changes
in your metabolism. Free radicals are unpaired electrons that your body
naturally produces on a given day. Both your metabolism and exercise produce
free radicals. In turn, you can slow the rate at which your metabolism is

Boost your energy

IV therapy also contains energy-boosting ingredients such as B-complex vitamins that can help combat fatigue.  B-Complex Vitamins help you perform a range of vital functions including cardiovascular support, helping your body metabolize food, and boosting energy levels so you’ll finish your workout feeling strong and revitalized.

There is also a link between dehydration and weight loss. Staying hydrated is important to help your body use energy and burn fat to the best of its ability. IV therapy provides your body with the hydration it needs to keep your body in top condition and keep the excess pounds off.

When combined with regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet, IV therapy can help. It is important to note IV therapy treatments cannot replace exercise, act as a nutrition substitute, or fix metabolic disorders. Eating right, exercising, and getting enough rest are key for healthy weight loss.


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