Anti-Aging Food Wellness

Matcha: my health secret weapon

May 5, 2022

There’s a certain health secret weapon I have been a fan of for years, it’s matcha. Great for metabolism, skin, and it’s anti oxidant properties it really is incredible. I switched from coffee to matcha 2 years ago and never looked back. I use @piquelife Sun Goddess. Pique Tea is the most rigorously tested matcha- tested for purity and quality. I love that they are crystals and can be taken anywhere. Use code GLOW to save 10%

Why is matcha healthier than green tea? Matcha is technically a type of green tea. Matcha and green tea both come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. But green tea is grown in the sun and matcha bushes are covered, to stay shaded. The shade increases the amount of chlorophyll. Matcha also contains up to 10 times the antioxidants of typical green tea and more than double the vitamin C. With matcha you consume the whole leaf, ground into a fine powder, versus straining leaves with regular tea.

Skin Health

I drink my matcha daily to support my skin. I use @piquelife Sun Goddess. It has EGCG to firm and brighten skin, and chlorophyll to clarify.

Immune Health

Green Tea boosts your immune system due to an antioxidant called EGCG. It improves your production of T-cells, which help fight pathogens. I prefer green tea in the form of matcha- a super antioxidant. Pique Tea is the most rigorously tested matcha- tested for purity and quality. I love that they are crystals and can be taken anywhere. Use code GLOW to save 10%

Matcha for weight loss?

Many studies have found that green tea can increase metabolism and increase fat burning during exercise. One study found that women drinking matcha before a brisk walk burned more fat while walking. It’s so interesting how green tea functions. Our bodies have different types of fat. There’s white fat and brown fat. Brown fat burns energy and is often higher in those with higher metabolisms. White fat is linked to heart disease and other illnesses. Matcha activates brown fat cells to increase caloric burn.

Other Benefits

Matcha is especially high in epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a compound that has been shown to have powerful anti-cancer properties. Matcha is also good for liver health. The liver is our main detox organ. A sluggish liver can affect both digestion and metabolism. You can prepare my matcha recipe, see the reel here.

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